DAC Episode 341 - Steve Jobs (2015)

Michael Fassbender in round wireframe glasses and a black turtleneck. He is mostly in shadow, except for a strikingly bright light that illuminates his forehead, nose and chin.

Is there anyone on Earth who looks less like Apple founder Steve Jobs than Michael Fassbender? Scientifically speaking, no. Researchers have identified several species of paramecia that bear a greater resemblance to Jobs than Fassbender. Nevertheless, Fassbender radiates a kind of blinkered intensity that could only belong to a monomaniac on Jobs’ scale. Pair that with Sorkin’s script and it makes for a surprisingly gripping and focused portrait of obsession. Listen below or find us on your podcaster of choice.

DAC Episode 339 - The American President (1995)


Here’s Adam and Aidan attempting to square their love of Aaron Sorkin with 1995’s The American President, a movie in which Michael Douglas plays the very best president. He’s almost brought low, but he fixes his problems by giving a big impromptu speech at the end, restoring America’s virility in the process. Is this podcast an autopsy? Therapy? Listen below (or find us on your podcatcher of choice) and decide for yourselves.

DAC Episode 337 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)

four live dogs in a galaxy of dead lions.

One thing in the universe, besides death, is certain: there can be no final form of Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The story has existed as a radio play, a series of novels, a television show, and a feature film. The 2005 movie has its defenders (one of whom is named Adam P Knave) and mortal enemies (one of whom is named Aidan Morgan). Listen below as they gently push back at each other’s opinions! If you’re still undecided on the quality of the film, you can go and watch it for yourself - but Aidan would advise against it.

DAC Episode 336 - Jason X (2001)

That’s one live dog right there facing off with two virtual lions.

Every so often, a movie comes along that so perfectly embodies the moment of its release that it should be taught in history courses as the purest emanation of a given age. Such a movie is Jason X, a movie so 2001 that Stanley Kubrick is lucky he never lived to see it. A space ship with an interior that looks suspiciously like a Laser Quest franchise, populated by hot people in improbable knitwear getups? Hell yes. It’s the turn of the millennium, people. It’s time to take our horror franchises into space on a reasonable budget. Listen below as Aidan and Adam enjoy the hell out of themselves.

Also, there’s a David Cronenberg cameo. I don’t know what else you want from a movie.