DAC Episode 215: The Non-Deep Dives

Adam is not a huge fan of Batwoman, even with the new Batwoman in place. He doesn’t even like the costume addition of a “Hello my name is Batwoman” name tag. But! He enjoyed episodes 1-4 of Wandavision. So did Aidan. We all like a bit of Wandavision of a Friday and its meta-games. Also discussed: Schmack Schmyder’s Schmutice Schmeague, episodes 5.07-5.08 of The Expanse, Batman: Soul of the Dragon, Locked Down and 1986’s The Mosquito Coast.

DAC Episode 208: Zoom calls and deck halls

Hey folks, here you go, it’s a podcast, it’s a fragment out of the recent past, it’s a crystallized moment from late 2020, it’s a time capsule, it’s two guys talking about Star Trek. Also, a discussion on how to produce a weekly radio play in the age of physical distancing. And as a bonus, Adam is on a Supernatural rewatch. Listen below or find us on iTunes.

DAC Episode 207: Mando and Tano and Grogu, oh hi

Adam doesn’t watch himself any Mandalorian, but Aidan does. And Aidan rambles on about the Ahsoka Tano episode, saying a whole lot of pretty obvious stuff, which Adam graciously entertains. Geez Aidan.

Anyway, after Aidan gets that out of his system, they talk about Star Trek: Discovery, Billie Piper’s panic-inducing series I Hate Suzie, and - and! - Hulu’s melancholy holiday delight, Happiest Season.

DAC Episode 205: New Opening, New Clothing

In this week’s Destroy All Culture: Adam returns clothing, Aidan commiserates. Adam tries to navigate Apple TV; Aidan commiserates. Other topics: fighting God (and winning!) in Supernatural; the joys of Ted Lasso; the weirdness of watching William Burroughs trying to shove a very stoned Terry Southern into an orgone box; and a bit of talk about Star Trek: Discovery and the unwholesome appetites of Baby Yoda on The Mandalorian. Listen below or find us on iTunes!

DAC Episode 204: It's a Whole New Intro

Here it is! The new intro. Just listen.

Anyway, welcome to Destroy All Culture, where we talk about Muppet memes, the episode of Supernatural with the infamous Castiel/Dean scene and the first two seasons of Star Trek: Discovery. In the back half, Aidan gets spooky and discusses the finale of Helstrom, BBC’s Ghostwatch and the saddest horror film in the world, Lake Mungo. Listen below or find us on the iTunes of your choice.

The Golden Girls-Fawlty Towers Expanded Universe Rabbit Hole episode

Seriously. We talk much too long about Fawlty Towers remakes (at least three) and Golden Girls spinoff series. Plus: a middling final season Supernatural episode leads into a talk about what constitutes a decent episode of Supernatural; a quick talk about late season one Star Trek: Discovery; and finally, Aidan compares the Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit with the Walter Tevis novel, which he read before it was cool, and finds the series compelling but wanting.

DAC Episode 202: Sorkin blow-out discount bulk special

INT DAY Destroy All Culture headquarters. ADAM and AIDAN are walking down an endless hallway.

ADAM: Hey, it’s episode 202 of Destroy All Culture.

AIDAN: What happened to -

ADAM: Don’t ask.

AIDAN: - to ep 201?

ADAM: I said don’t ask.

AIDAN: I’m asking anyway.

ADAM: The boys in the back messed up.

AIDAN: Figures.

ADAM: How’s that?

AIDAN: I figure.

ADAM: Can’t argue with that.

AIDAN: What’s up with episode 202?

ADAM: Sorkin, that’s what’s up. The West Wing reunion, the Trial of the Chicago 7 -


ADAM: Where?

AIDAN: Sorry, it was a pony.

ADAM: [20 minute monologue about everything that’s wrong with America]

AIDAN: Okay, but listen to the episode below. Or find us on iTunes!

DAC Episode 200: bicentennial blow-out

Welcome to the 200th episode of Destroy All Culture! When you get to the 200th instalment of anything (podcast, hot tub payment, obscure sex act), it’s time to reflect, look back and evaluate. We at Destroy All Culture are having none of that. Instead we carry on as usual. This time we discuss season 2 of The Boys, the enduring joys of Halt and Catch Fire, and all kinds of everything. Listen below or find us on your iTunes of choice.

DAC Episode 199: required pandemic viewing

Here in DACland, we’ve officially reached the comfort viewing stage of the pandemic. Sure, we talk about mid-season Lovecraft Country and The Boys, but things get going when we discuss the kind of shows we like to watch as summer closes and the world stumbles into another wave of infections. Aidan discusses the wholesomeness of The Junior Baking Show and the Grand Guignol ending of Breaking Bad. Adam talks about the Whitney Cummings-Bill Lawrence that runs from Whitney to Undateable to Ground Floor. And Young Justice, which does not appear to be related to Bill Lawrence in any way, but we’re researching the matter.

DAC Episode 198: the weird thing going forward with the digital future stuff

Welcome to episode 198 of Destroy All Culture, where Adam and Aidan are weirdly obsessed with the future. What if Mulan were set in space in the 22nd century? How do Bill and Ted navigate the future, and why did they do it better than Nolan’s Tenet? Why does the far-future scenario of Raised By Wolves feel like it could be set in medieval Europe? And so on. Also, a discussion of The Boys’ white supremacy problem and a chat about the first three episodes of Lovecraft Country. Listen below or find us on your iTunes of choice.