DAC Episode 255: Welcome to [Eternal Void]
/Greetings. Please take [a seat]. You are about to listen to [Eternal Void]. On today’s episode, Adam and Aidan discuss: the combined silliness and darkness of Legends of Tomorrow as epitomized by the fake hair on Robo-Nate’s fake arms, plus a brief history of Booster Gold; the relationship between Bizarro and the comedy-horror dimension of Superman; and the perfect bingeability of Amazon Prime’s Reacher. Listen below or Apple Podcasts us wherever you catch your pods of choice.
DAC Episode 254: the Rip van Winkle episode
/Wait, why is this the Rip van Winkle episode? You’ll have to listen to find out! And even then, you may not understand. Don’t worry about it. It’s fine. Plus, you get to hear Adam and Aidan opine on: the concept of the fixed point in time in Legends of Tomorrow (as well as the thoroughly absurd Time Bar); the use of Doomsday and Bizarro in Superman and Lois; the issues of late-run sitcoms as they present themselves in seasons 4-6 of Parks & Recreation; and the merits of 4400, the The 4400 reboot. Listen below, or Apple Podcasts us of choice!
DAC 253: Podcast Eater Lads
/Hello! It’s one of those, whadyacallim, episodes of Destroy All Culture. In this week’s episode, a discussion of Legends of Tomorrow pivots to a discussion of early reality television. Also on the docket: Naomi, Superman & Lois, Peacemaker and the comics history of Matter Eater Lad. Listen below or iTunes on your podcaster of choice.
DAC 252: "A Movie That Happened"
/What’s Adam’s take on Eternals? Refer to the title of this episode. Along with a discussion of The Eternals, Adam and Aidan go over the first three episodes of Peacemaker and the ‘80s action throwback parody episode of Legends of Tomorrow. Listen below or on your iTunes of choice.
DAC Episode 251: The Unavoidable Gravity of the Time Loop Episode
/Do you ever get the feeling that you’re caught in a time loop? Perhaps one in which you’re doomed to live out your days listening to episodes of Destroy All Culture? Well now you can replicate that sensation with over 250 episodes of the podcast! Yowza.
In this episode, Adam and Aidan talk about season six of The Expanse, the Doctor Who New Year episode, the comic greatness of Betty White, the meaning of Star Trek: Discovery, and the enjoyable hollowness of The Book of Boba Fett. Listen below or find us on your iTunes of choice.
DAC Episode 250: The Semiquincentennial Episode
/Not many things make it to 250, folks. Some trees, a few lucky turtles (I think), and various rocks. Well, you can add Destroy All Culture to that august list. To mark our 250th episode, we talk about The Expanse, Hawkeye and all sorts of good things. Listen below or find us on a podcaster of choice.
DAC Episode 241: This Podcast Is Being Adapted From Itself
/On this week’s Destroy All Culture, Adam and Aidan talk about adaptations of the many cherished bits and pieces of science fiction from our childhoods. Is this wave of adaptations a good thing? Or - and hear us out here - is it a bad thing? Or more to the point, how do we handle material with clearly outdated ideas on politics, gender and so on? Do we want to see a mini-series based on, say, a late-period Heinlein novel? An extended Thomas Disch rant? But here we go: Asimov’s Foundation novels, which seem completely adaptation-proof, have been adapted.
DAC Episode 240: The Rematrixing
/On episode 240 of DAC, Adam and Aidan ponder the transformation of Jared Leto from actor to Obnoxiously Serious Actor. Do we mention Morbius? No we do not. Also on the table: the new Matrix Resurrections trailer and the experience of watching the first three Matrices. Plus a quick discussion of the season six finale of Legends of Tomorrow.
DAC Episode 239: The bag of weirdness
/Adam recommends Centaurworld to Aidan, describing it as a “bag of weirdness the likes of which I’ve never seen”. Adam then recommends Heathen Chaos Potato Chips, with its panoply of three strange flavours. Aidan delivers a riposte with his experience of Herr’s Carolina Reaper Cheese Curls. After that, who wants to hear Aidan’s review of Shang-Chi? You do! We hope.
DAC Episode 238: Bait clicked
/Adam and Aidan spend a few minutes discussing @m@z0n’s infuriating habit of sending you emails advertising the thing you just bought. Then it’s onto more Brooklyn Nine Nine, a little bit of Superman and Lois, and a middling episode of Stargirl. Listen below or get us on that Apple Podcaster.
DAC Episode 237: Nine-Nine, Nah-nah-Nine-Nine
/Oh hey! The final season of Brooklyn Nine Nine is upon us. Adam and Aidan discuss the first episode and how it attempts to balance the demands of a workplace comedy with reflecting the general ACAB-ishness of the world. Also, predictions for Matt Ryan’s Constantine on Legends of Tomorrow. Plus more! MORE! Listen below or find us wandering around the hallways of Apple Podcasts.