DAC Episode 362 - The Core (2003)

Look, this is what happens when you let the earth’s magnetic field get out of hand

[Morning at the Destroy All Culture house. Aidan is mumbling in his sleep, his forehead beaded with sweat, his eyeballs swivelling back and forth beneath closed lids. Adam enters.]

ADAM: Aidan, are you okay? What are you saying?

AIDAN: cuh… cuh… orrrre…

ADAM: What’s that? Caw-hor?

AIDAN: cuhhhh…. orrrre…

ADAM: Cuh-or?

AIDAN: Core… core…

ADAM: Core?

[Aidan’s eyelid flip up, his eyes glowing with the fire of Earth’s depths]

AIDAN: Core… core. Core! Core! Core!

ADAM: Core! Core! Core!


AIDAN: You know, we should talk about 2004’s The Core, starring Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank, Stanley Tucci, Delroy Lindo, Richard Jenkins and even DJ Qualls.

ADAM: I’ll go put on some coffee.