DAC Episode 48: Tamsen Time

Never let it be said that Destroy All Culture doesn't deliver. We deliver pop culture insights, rants about the postal service, and sometimes we deliver pizza. But this time we have producer and actor Tamsen McDonough, who plays the voice of Lucy on Killjoys. Tamsen was generous and funny, and she had anecdotes aplenty about meeting meeting Aaron Ashmore, delivering awkward hugs and the time she impersonated Nicole Kidman.

Technical issues affected the audio on this week's podcast, but Tamsen's voice comes through loud and clear (by contrast, Adam and I sound like we're locked in the trunk of a car (which we are not) (at least I'm not))). Enjoy!

DAC Episode 47: Blast from the very recent past

Do you remember a time of innocence, before the unholy union of a tangerine and a hay bale became possessed with the spirit of Satan's half-witted cousin Donald and went on to run the United States? Let us take you back to last Sunday, when it seemed like everything was going to be okay, and we could talk freely about The Good Place, Doctor Strange and more. 

DAC Episode 46: Agents of D.A.C.

No, we do not spend much time talking about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in this episode, mostly because we insist on pronouncing all the periods in the name and discussions about the show get pretty cumbersome. This podcast, we marvel at the marvels of The Good Place and discuss the points of intersection between Person of Interest and Westworld. Also: our usual obsessive talk about dealing with shipping and the post office.

DAC Episode 45: At Long Last Podcast

Sometimes a podcast faces many challenges on the way from being a couple of voices in separate room to becoming a beautiful audio butterfly. For example, an issue with a sound card can turn an entire hour of up-to-the-minute talk about today's greatest entertainment into a pile of sonic mush. Is that what happened to us? Why yes. Yes indeed. On today's podcast we sort of recap the previous, junked podcast, then move into talk of the CW's superhero slate and Westworld and all the other things we love so much.

Also: what happened to episode 44? We'll never tell.

DAC Episode 42: Goodbye to Summer

That's right, it's the episode of DAC where Adam and Aidan finally relinquish their copies of 500 Days of Summer, tearfully bidding them farewell as they consign their pile of Steelbook Blu-rays with interactive menus and special features to the flames. Time to become men and find a movie with autumn in the title.

Ah okay you got us. We don't own a single copy of the flick that earned Marc Webb a shot at a Spider-man movie. We're basically mopping up the dregs of the season here, with diversions into Rose City Comic Con and Adam's thoughts on season three of Person of Interest. Let the mellow flag of fall fly.

DAC Episode 41: Killjoys' End

Welcome to this sentence. It's the sentence that comes before this one. Do you feel welcome yet? That sentence gets farther away with every word you read. Wave goodbye to it in the same way that Adam and Aidan wave goodbye to season two of Killjoys, which we deem the rootingest, tootingest piece of televised pulp sci-fi since the late lamented days of Farscape and Firefly.  But never fear, it's coming back for another season. We also discuss Stranger Things, retro aesthetics and Vangelis. Enjoy.

DAC Episode 40: A Nice Round Number

On this week's episode of Destroy All (not just some) Culture, Aidan and Adam visit the strange phenomenon of Vagenda of Manocide (aka. the worst Game of Thrones name ever), noodle a bit over Person of Interest season two, and go all in on the penultimate episode of Killjoys. Killjoys: it's what's for penultamation.*

Penultamation (n.) - The moment just after you've finished cleaning everything in the house but just before you decide to put off looking behind the fridge for another six months.

DAC Episode 39: Should I Get a New Console?

On this week's episode, Adam and Aidan do not talk about gaming consoles. They don't focus on the increasing paucity of new games for the Playstation 3 and how Aidan doesn't want to spend a ton of money on a PS4, so what about the Xbox One? But the newest version of that is coming out any day, if it's not already here, and should our lives be spent chasing new forms of entertainment that will provide, at best, a few days of enjoyment before frustration sets in and the multiple anxieties of the world percolate once more in your brain? And wow, new graphics cards for a PC are expensive as hell, aren't they? Why not just buy a new computer? Whatever. We talk about Killjoys (fun!), I Love Dick (arty!), The Tragically Hip (Canadian!) and Ben Edlund's new television pilot for The Tick (spoon!).

DAC Episode 38: The Unstructured Jacket

Anyone who knows me (Aidan) knows one immutable fact about me: I like sports jackets (Adam likes fezzes, which is more interesting). Over the years I've owned many a sports jacket, from a professorial corduroy to a snazzy light wool number with a subtle pinstripe. Over the last couple of years, my sports jacket guy (yes, I have one of those) has been trying to get me into unstructured jackets, touting their lightness and stylish look, but I always feel as if I'm trying on a lightly tailored tarp. Give me a lining, at least.

This is all to say that this week's episode of Destroy All Culture is also stylishly unstructured, with Adam and I ranging all over our personal pop culture map. I'm pretty sure we talked about Killjoys as well.

DAC Episode 37: Squad Goals

Hey hey it's the 'Cide Squad
People say they're 'ciding around
But they're too busy wearing hot pants
To make a coherent film

Yes, it's the Suicide Squad episode of Destroy All Culture! join Adam and Aidan as they come up with alternate titles for the film (the best one is probably "Butts: The Movie"). We take David Ayer's celluloid gangbang apart and try to figure out what the hell everyone was thinking. Also, Killjoys was good.

DAC Episode 36(B): The Episode After The Lost Episode

In what will certainly become a legend, the episode you are about to listen to is a replacement for a lost episode - surely the most important one we've ever recorded. We talked about movie trailers, mostly. Something happened to the file, though, so here you are with episode 36b. Adam leads a spoiler-free discussion of the new Star Trek movie, plus there's talk of Killjoys, Legend of Korra and more.

DAC Episode 33: Let Us Compare Mythologies

Finally! After months of waiting, Adam and Aidan are thrilled to bits to see the return of... Killjoys? Yes, Killjoys. We love that plucky show described in this episode as "a science fiction-themed role play room in a Montreal bondage club". We hold it up against Dark Matter, Killjoy's sister show, and end up proposing a basic taxonomy of modern SF entertainments . We also spend some time chewing on the Extended Ultimate Edition of Batman v Superman, which is a superior version of the film in every way to the theatrical cut. But never fear, it's still a miserable fucking movie. Enjoy!

DAC Episode 30: The Zoo In Here

"Bonjour. This is podcast. Aidan and Adam have encoded their voices into information for your listening edification. Finally, the in-depth discussion of Zootopia you've possibly been waiting for! Adam is horrified by the naked cruelty of this week's sponsor! Plus sundry discussions of the horrors of motion smoothing and many other things. Once listened to you will have more information than before."

- a robot, probably

This episode is sponsored by CatGlue, the only glue proven to work on cats. "CatGlue - Glue Your Cat."