DAC Episode 68: Hitchiker's Guide for the Perplexed

Faithful listeners of Destroy All Culture, remember when Adam challenged Aidan to rewatch 2005's movie adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Well, it happened. Ear-witness the result as Adam praises the film and Aidan... well, he's willing to be convinced. Also, Adam watched the F8 of the Furious and had a fine time doing it. Won't you settle in with us for an hour or so? If you want to do it right now, you can always find us on iTunes.

DAC Episode 65: Bebop-a-lula

It's about as close as you're going to get to a musical episode of Destroy All Culture. No one sings, but Aidan and Adam talk about the recent Flash musical episode (Why don't Melissa Benoist and Grant Gustin do a screwball musical comedy together? Why?) and go from there into a very detailed discussion of Yoko Kanno's incredible music on Cowboy Bebop.

Say - why don't ya go find us on iTunes? Okey doke.

DAC Episode 64: Logan a-Go-Gan

Hey everybody! Who wants to talk about Logan? More importantly, who wants to hear two guys who are kind of iffy on the X-Men movie franchise (except for The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, because those are undisputed greats) opine on the virtues of Logan? Adam notes that there may be parallels to Shane; Aidan waxes enthusiastic about Dafne Keen's bloodthirsty murder scream.

In the second half of the podcast Aidan and Adam talk about Equals, DAC's new ongoing series about guest stars on the 80s greatest retired-spy-vigilante television program, The Equalizer. Why are they doing this? They have no idea.

While you're here, you can also read our Hot Takes on Logan or our fanfic about Logan, Pierce and their shared love of monster trucks. Or ignore all that guff and just subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

DAC Episode 63: A Good Week for Looking at Screens

It's a busy time for everyone here at the Destroy All Culture compound, but we managed to squeeze in some television. Up for discussion this week: a crackerjack episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! An even crackerjacker episode of The Expanse! With an additional bit of talk on how Aidan didn't realize that the line "The Mississippi Delta was shining like a National guitar" was referring to an actual brand of guitar, thus ridding of the nagging 30 year old suspicion that Paul Simon meant to write "The Mississippi Delta was shining like a federally expropriated instrument" but got confused.

Listen or download below. Or find us on iTunes.

DAC Episode 62: Spectre of the Very Special Episode

Very Special Episodes? Is there any issue they can't tackle? Apparently, if you're Arrow and the issue is gun control, there is. Adam takes Arrow's latest episode apart and examines its approach to dealing with issues. After that they talk about other things. At the 17:34 mark, Aidan talks about the preference of tunnels to warehouses in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. But then! Then! Adam talks about his Freddy Krueger cardigan. The one problem: no pockets.

DAC Episode 61: Animal Practice Existed and Other Facts

Hey! Any of you whippersnappers remember the good old days of 2012, when we were all innocent and didn't know that Justin Kirk and Joanna Garcia Swisher were about to spring the sitcom Animal Practice on us (logline: a veterinarian hates pet owners)? Sometimes I worry that Adam will forget, so it's my job to periodically remind him.

On this week's podcast, we discuss John Wick 2 (Adam liked it), the first half of Passengers (Aidan couldn't get through the entire movie) and various other entertainments. Enjoy! And find us on iTunes.

DAC Episode 60: The Stuff and the Things

What a difference a week makes! As in, what a difference it makes when you forgot to post your podcast and now you can't remember what it was you talked about. I'm going to go out on a limb and say we talked a bit about Riverdale, which is Aidan and Adam's favourite high-drama uber-CW take on the beloved comic. Also, The Expanse, and our usual examination of the the week's superhero television. Oh, and Palm Springs! I went to Palm Springs. At 45, I may have been the youngest man in the entire city. Anyway, find us on iTunes!

DAC Episode 59: the Delilah Dawson hour

Did you know that I'm from Canada? Co-host Adam P. Knave and guest Delilah Dawson sure do, because I spent an hour with these two delightful people as they discussed art while my computer crashed and my connection dropped in and out. It went something like this:

ADAM: Tell us about your creative process.

DELILAH: Well, it's a fascinating and complex thing that -

AIDAN: -HAVE FREE HEALTH CARE. What were we talking about?

Anyway. Delilah Dawson is the author of many many books, including the comic mini-series Ladycastle. Pester your local comic store today!

DAC Episode 58: Holy Motherforking Shirtballs

Here is a tale of finales, one great, one terrible. On the side of greatness we offer The Good Place, Michael Schur's moral philosophy meta-sitcom that isn't afraid to rate Jacksonville as "one of the top ten swamp cities of northeastern Florida." It's also not afraid to offer up a comedy that ends in a premise-bending cliffhanger with every episode, and finishes off the season with a twist that destroys and reassembles the show in one delightful moment.

On the other side of greatness we examine the season four of Sherlock, which made no damn sense and only gets worse as you think about it. If you're a fan of Moffatt and Gattis' modern take on the private detective, you may want to skip the finale. But if you're a fan you've already watched it. All we can do is offer solace and a space to complain.

And as always, find us on iTunes! Because we're lost there, and it's cold, and the moon is too large and the sky too close.

DAC Episode 56: Stop Signs and Kirby Shields

Greetings! That's right, I'm talking to you [you, sitting bolt upright in your chair, sweat beading on your forehead, thinks "How did they know I'm reading this right now?"]. On this week's Destroy All Culture, comic artists Ted Brandt and Ro Stein visit to talk Princeless, Captain America and the experience of working for Marvel. The conversation branches off into discussions of Brexit, the NHS and the shape of stop signs in North America. A thoroughly enjoyable conversation and nearly as edifying as one of Adam's discussions about light bulbs or quarreling with Amazon.

If you enjoyed this week's podcast, leave us a comment or subscribe to us on  iTunes. If that's not enough, why not like us on Footbook (the podiatric alternative to Facebook) or Tooter (a highly specific version of Twitter dedicated to the character of Toot from The Mighty Hercules)?

DAC Episode 55: Our Lives Are Content

Good morning/afternoon/evening! We here at Destroy All Culture would like to wish you and yours a happy time span. May the coming temporal units bring you vague feelings of contentment and pleasure, based on whatever material security you have combined with your determination to ignore the frightful state of the world.

Now relax and joy 52 minutes of conversation between Aidan and Adam as they chew over the following topics: 1) a refreshing Gilmore Girls fan theory; 2) Adam's absolute favourite thing (so far) from the first eight episodes of The Legend of Korra; 3) the many bits and pieces of their lives that they happily chew up and regurgitate as content. Enjoy!

Don't forget that you our podcast can be found on iTunes. Rate it or something! 

DAC Episode 53: Rogue Me Once

Welcome to the annual Yuletime episode of Destroy All Culture, in which Adam and Aidan look back over the year and take stock of all the blessings of 2016. Nah, we just rant about Rogue One for forty minutes. We covered as much as we could until we ran out of Rogue One steam but there's still so much to talk about. For example, why would you build a power console in the middle of a beach? What is wrong with the Empire?

Forget not that listen to us on iTunes you can if here you click, as Yoda would say if he were real.

DAC Episode 52: Cognitively restrained

Ever tried to co-host a podcast with a hangover that utterly defeats attempts at coherent thoughts and complete sentences? I wouldn't call it fun, but it's a rewarding challenge, and the reward is not dying of alcohol poisoning. Anyway, enjoy episode 52 of Destroy All Culture, in which a discussion of Westworld and Timeless leads into a discussion of time travel from H.G. Wells onward and the encroaching money-fueled stratification of movie theatres. Honestly this one is a showcase for Adam's thoughts, because Aidan was unable to supply any thoughts at all. Enjoy!

As always, download directly from this site or find us on iTunes - that good old hegemonic aggregator of all things contentual - here.

DAC Episode 51: Four Episodes, Four Words

Ah, hopes. You were raised on waves of Gilmore girls episodes and dashed on the cruel rocks of those last four words, which did not turn out to be "I will marry you, Kirk". But the actual content of those last four words did bring up some interesting questions, such as "Uh, what?" and "Really?"

In this installment of Destroy All Culture, Adam and Aidan talk about the Gilmore girls: A Year in the Life Netflix special. What went right? What went wrong? Are Lorelei and Rory still terrible people? Is Kirk still the greatest? We also spend some time picking over CW/DC's Invasion crossover event. Enjoy!

As per the new normal, you can also find us on iTunes.

DAC Episode 50: That Podcast Is Poison

Hey sojourners. If you like things that take 60 minutes and 10 seconds long, then I can heartily recommend our podcast, which comes loaded with Adam's audio effects (possible alternate explanation: Bell Biv Devoe is our house band). On this week's podcast: talk about the latest CW/DC material, an initial exploration of the Gilmore girls revival, some talk of Ghost in the Shell, and a reminder never, ever, ever to read the comments. Enjoy!

Don't forget that we're now on iTunes! Download it from this portion of hypertext

DAC Episode 49: Applause Boo Thunderclap

A major upgrade to Destroy All Culture! With our move to non-beta Zencaster and the banishment of Skype to the land of wind and ghosts, we can now deliver an upgraded podcast expeirence, with better sound quality and a wide range of sound effects. Okay, three sound effects. But they're so useful! Unfortunately your hosts remain the same. On this week's quality episode: the state of the DC/CW universe, Westworld, and an annoying light bulb.