DAC Episode 88: A Psych Movie Walks Into a Bar

From weeks past, we bring you a podcast! Aidan and Adam have been busy - Adam with his writing, Aidan with his international assassining - so here's a conversation the two had a little while back about the Psych movie, among other of those things. Owing to the vagaries of internet connectivity, Aidan was cut off, so this one ends a tad abruptly. But what are we in this life for, if not for the caprice and delight of unexpected endings? Don't answer that. Instead, find us, rate us, love us on iTunes.

DAC Episode 87: Crisis on Podcast X

I have a question unrelated to the great content on this podcast (which largely revolves around the CW superhero crossover event Crisis on Earth X). My Netflix queue believes that the best movie for me - the absolute best choice for me, a 46 year old man - is Power Rangers. Netflix sincerely believes, based on the psychographic aura generated by past viewing choices, that Power Rangers is my top match.

Do I have the viewing habits of a 12 year old boy? Is that my quadrant?

I watched Power Rangers, by the way. It wasn't great.

Find on us iTunes!

DAC Episode 86: And Justice for Some

Unbelievably, Destroy All Culture is back with its podcast business. After weeks of technical failures, audio issues and a Fate decreed by angry gods, Adam and Aidan have returned on their cyber horses to deliver the good news about... Justice League. Adam liked what they did with Superman's character. Aidan liked nothing else. Together, they described an entire movie. Except for the subplot with the Russian family. They didn't mention them. Godspeed, Russian family!

DAC Episode 85: a season of Killjoys

Killjoys, you have ended for another season! And it turns out that you're getting two more kicks at the Quad's can to tell your story, which is kind of perfect. Adam and Aidan talk about how Killjoys handles character and action, plus ruminations on why some shows get cancelled (say, Dark Matter) and others continue on. Plus, Twin Peaks wrapped up its third and last season, but since Adam doesn't watch Twin Peaks, we're not going to talk about that show at all. You'll have to call Aidan during regular business hours for that.

DAC Episode 81: The Thom Allison Variety Special

Great news everyone! Thom Allison (Pree from Syfy's Killjoys) joins us for an exceptionally enjoyable hour of talk about Canadian television nostalgia, the inside scoop on Taiwan, and of course, how Pree grew his hair so long on "The Lion, The Witch, and The Warlord."

On the frown-emoji side of things, a series of dropped connections resulted in some occasional audio issues and a few awkward "are you theres." We did the best we could. Which, when you have Thom Allison on the line, is pretty freaking great. Listen below or find us where the iTunes are.

DAC Episode 80: Valerian and the Podcast of 1,000 Mehs

Iiiiiit's podcast time! Not for us, obviously. We've already recorded this one. On this week's episode, Adam has imbibed a yard's worth of pop culture, including Atomic Blonde and Luc Besson's Valerian. It turns out that Valerian tests even Adam's love for Besson's films. Speaking of Besson, I still think it's weird Lucy was about a woman who turns into a godlike intelligence while fighting Asian Triad gangsters. Anyway! We also talk about the latest from Wynonna Earp and especially Killjoys. Listen below, find us on iTunes, you do you.

DAC Episode 79: Trailers and babies

Well. What do you know? A new Doctor, and this one will be played by a woman! Most of the Internet muttered "about time" under their breaths, another segment danced in the streets of the information superhighway, but a vocal few whined about political correctness and menocide and whatever else it is these dipshits like to complain about. We talk about Who, the Wrinkle In Time trailer, Killjoys, Wynonna Earp, and briefly discussed the joys of bad television. Won't you listen along here? Or maybe on iTunes?

DAC Episode 78: Return of Man of Spider

Lo, and in the 78th episode of Destroy All Culture, Adam and Aidan did see a moving picture wherein a teenager endowed of spider powers screwed up royally for two hours but was forgiven, for he was the protagonist. Also: a discussion of the latest episode of Killjoys, an examination of the atrocious ZOO, and a tangent on the Geostorm trailer, aka Adam's next favourite movie of all time. Listen here or find us on iTunes.

And here's the Geostorm trailer for context, featuring Gerard Butler in mid-burp acting mode.

"Let's Geostorm!" said Gerard Butler, putting on his neon Geostorm elbow pads and roller blades. "No Gerard," said the President of the freakin' United States. "I need you to Geostorm, but not on the boardwalk like usual. This time you're going to Geostorm in space."

DAC Episode 75: Tamsen McDonough, Funko Pops, moose balls

Greetings! It's episode 75 of Destroy All Culture. We spoke with Tamsen McDonough, aka the voice of Lucy on Killjoys. Along with plenty of non-spoilery talk about the upcoming third season of the show, we spend a lot of time discussing customized Funko pops, the joys of Neal McDonough (no relation - I think) and how to spray paint moose balls. Yes we did. Enjoy! As always, listen below or download the episode on iTunes.

Season three of Killjoys premieres June 30 on Syfy and Space.

DAC Episode 74: What's up with the Who?

On episode 74 of Destroy All Culture, Adam and Aidan talk about life. Actually, they talk about Life, the Reynolds/Gyllenhaal/Ferguson sci-fi Alien-ish movie that features unexpected deaths and the best feel-bad movie ending of the year. Is it the Alien movie that Alien: Covenant could have and should have been? Yes it is, because Alien: Covenant was a whole heap of nonsense about the usual crew of ninnies who touch down on a planet and wander around obliviously until they bump into a set of jaws.

Also up for discussion: the current season of Doctor Who. After a set of strong episodes and a promising start to a storyline about reality-replacing monks, we now seem to be settling into a groove of subpar hours before the grand Moffatt-written finale. Will the final episodes crisp up the soggy middle of this sci-fi sandwich? I don't know. All I know is that I'm hungry now. Anyway, enjoy! Download here or catch us on the good old iTunes.

DAC Episode 70: Let's Guard Ourselves A Galaxy

Hello pals of us! It's another hour of Destroy All Culture. Adam and Aidan talk about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, from its charming sounds and odd flaws to Peter Quill's Han Solo moment. And did you know that Ben Browder pops up in the movie? I did not. Adam did, though, and he was pretty gleeful about it.

We also discuss basic bunker logistics on Arrow and shine a little light on iZombie. Listen below or find us, as ever, on iTunes.

DAC Episode 69: Akira and the Overfiend

Perhaps inspired by the episode's number, Aidan and Adam wander off into the dark thicket of hentai-related talk, and that bizarre period of time when, for some reason, everyone went from Akira and Ghost in the Shell and Miyazaki anime to Legend of the Overfiend. All that and a discussion of episode two of the latest season of Doctor Who.

Listen below, or find us on iTunes. What a good idea.