DAC Episode 108: Stake Logistics

Why, in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, did the students of Sunnydale High never break into the woodworking shop to whip off a bushel of stakes? It just seemed like they had stakes whenever they were required, but nobody ever produced a lathe or a giant pencil sharpener to lay bare the hidden process behind the Scoobie's stake supply chain management. And that's just the first ten minutes of this generous hour of pop culture talk. Adam's been watching 12 Monkeys, Aidan's catching up Wynonna Earp, and of course, both of them have watching Killjoys. Lotsa talk 'n' speckuhlashun going on.

DAC Episode 107: Mission Immortal

What is this podcast? Why, it's the fallout from our discussion of the whole durn Mission: Impossible franchise (with the exception of the second one, which was terrible). What's changed since the first installment? Well, Tom Cruise is an infant, but the format is basically the same: betrayals, reversals, masks, sleight of hand, absurd action sequences and the ever-encroaching spectre of Death itself coming for Cruise. Okay, enjoy!

DAC Episode 106: The Cross-Cultural Tech Awareness Hour

Greetings to everyone who is here! I see you all, milling around. Please sit down. There's a podcast about to start and it won't wait for you. In this episode, Aidan talks about a traditional Malayalam Kutiyattam performance (which is mispronounced here as "kutiyama," so Malayalam scholars, please forgive us) he attended. We also talk about the joy and pain of owning waaaay too many books. Plus there's some in-depth talk about the structure of Ant-Man and The Wasp. Okay then!

DAC Episode 105: Brevity Is

Sometimes they say "Less is more". And sometimes, heeding their own advice, they say "Less is" or just "Less". Sometimes they just moan or hum, because there's duct tape over their mouths. Oh no, what have these people gotten themselves tangled up in? Maybe their internet connection just booted them off their podcast in the middle of the recording, which is what happened here. Tune in for incisive takes on: emceeing slam poetry, Serenity & Firefly (only hot takes here), sci-fi novelizations, the joys of Upgade, shoe problems, Ant Man & The Wasp, etc.; stay to hear Aidan talk to an empty telephone and then say "Ah crap." You'll love it.

DAC Episode 103: What Is Dubstep

This was the question I posed to Adam at the start of the episode. The answer is "two washing machines fucking." Or "Optimus Prime fucking a washing machine." Then we wondered what would happen if Ken Burns did a documentary on dubstep. Okay then. Adam watched Solo, in which he introduces Aidan to the concept of the Woody Harrelson Spectrum.

What else? Let's see, we get into the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. finale, The Expanse, Captain Carrot & His Amazing Zoo Crew and so on. And... so on.

DAC Episode 102: Nine Nine!

Sometimes I check in on the podcast to see about the audio quality, and I'm reminded that every episode begins with the line "Hold on to your butts." Make of that what you will. Anyway, we're in a giddy mood in this one because we're still celebrating the immediate pick-up of Brooklyn Nine Nine on NBC after its cancellation on Fox. We also chew over some of the other cancellations, from Lucifer to Quantico and so on. And of course, The Expanse, which we were hopeful about at the time of recording (a hope that paid off handsomely, as it turned out). Plus talk about iZombie and all kinds of everything.

DAC Episode 101: In The Weeds

Coming hot (hawttt!) off our discussion of the Infinity War episode, we're back and talking about... weeds in Adam's yard? Frankly, they sound terrible. Also, the adversarial law system in the United States is discussed. Who says our podcast isn't wide ranging? Also, Adam has finally seen Molly's Game and we have a chat about Aaron Sorkin's uncertain but engaging direction. Plus Mission: Impossible matters, Marvel ruminations, and a few thoughts on Timeless. Not to mention Adam's thoughts on Moffatt's novelization of The Day of the Doctor. Enjoy!

DAC Episode 99: Coming to You (not) Live

Here's a philosophical question for you: is a podcast a live recording? It may not be live to you, the audience, but it's live for the hosts. We're live. We know we're alive, at any rate. And the rest of you out there, you bunch of audience, can assume that we're alive, unless we're dead already. It's a conundrum that science cannot answer, because science has better things to do. Anyway, enjoy our chatter! Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Legends of Tomorrow and more.

DAC Episode 93: The Long-ago Far Away Times of Now

Everyone here knows that the Destroy All Culture podcast is more than just a conversation. They're two people speaking in turns, answering each other's questions and building on ideas. Wait, that's a conversation. Well, it's more than a recording of a conversation. It's a digitally encoded record of a conversation that can be decoded at any time in audio format. Wait, that's - you know what, never mind. Listen below or find us on those iTunes, the greatest Tunes that are i.

DAC Episode 92: The Popeye's-Arby's Inversion

For episode 92 it was my great pleasure to invite Cecily Walker, co-host of the Riverdale Rag podcast and one of my favourite internet people, to discuss the premiere of Black Lightning, the ongoing WTF-ery of Riverdale, and the greatness of Popeye's Chicken. I was riding a Popeye's high at the time and couldn't stop talking about the stuff.

Out of the conversation, though, rose a dark suspicion, based on the proximity of Arby's to many Popeye's: what if Arby's were a degraded Mirror Universe version of Popeye's, and every time we entered an Arby's we were passing into that dark dimension, where "goatee chicken" (roast beef slurry to us) was piped endlessly onto cardboard buns? Don't their sandwiches taste kind of eldritch to you? So there's that.

Enjoy! And give us whatfor on iTunes

DAC Episode 91: The Made That Stuff Are Dreams Of

Whoa there, it's one of those rambly episodes of Destroy All Culture, where Adam and Aidan start with half a plan and promptly forget most of it. Discussed in Episode 91: Marvels' Runaways, The Good Place, Jumanji, Life (the Damian Lewis-Sarah Shahi series, not the movie), Leverage, The End of the Fucking World, The Toys That Made Us. Give it a listen below or on iTunes.

DAC Episode 90: 45 Things and a Title

Once upon a time, a wise man said, "A novel is just 45 things." Or he said "A novel is 45 scenes". Or something like that. Anyway, his name was Adam, and he's the co-host of this podcast. The other co-host wrote the 45 things quotation down, but that notebook has since been filed away. Also, it's been a few weeks since this podcast was recorded, and I'm not 100% sure this is the episode where we discuss the intricacies of getting a novel written. Adam says it's 45 scenes. I think a novel also needs a title, like "Cave-Scavengers of Dargon" or "The Peat Humpers." It doesn't really matter what you call your novel, as long as you call it something.

Also discussed: the last Moffatt/Capaldi episode of Doctor Who, some speculation on what an Aaron Sorkin-penned Star Wars would have been like, and bits of etceteras.

Listen below! Or find us on iTunes, where we're available for rating and reviewing.


DAC Episode 89: The one where we talk about The Last Jedi

Recorded in December on premium wax cylinders and now, finally, "Force-ing" its way to your internet! Adam and Aidan talk about The Last Jedi in all its Star Wars-iness. We discuss the film's Rian Johnson-ness: his use of film noir techniques, his habit of playing with the audience and hiding secrets in plain sight. But mostly we talk about what a good time the film was and how happy we were that Darth Plagueis turned out be Snoke, Hux, Ren, three porgs and Luke's beard. Or maybe it was Darth Phlegmulous. Or Darth Suspiciousmoleis. Or Darth Dryvegetarianburgerpattieus, the worst and most disappointing Sith Lord of all. I mean, you're paying a premium for that vegetarian burger. It shouldn't taste freezer burnt. Damn you, Sith Cafe.

Enjoy! And find us on an iTune, if you're of a mind.