Okay, Maybe Not an Entire Soundtrack of Pan Flute Music, But What if Caliban Played a Pan Flute and Used it to Soothe Professor Xavier to Sleep Every Night?
Logan Proves that Shane Would Be a Much Better Movie if The Boy Had Been a Screaming Mutant Child with Metal Claws
It's Time to Reassess Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn
Let's Talk About a Version of Logan where Caliban Dresses Up in Green Velvet Robes and Occasionally Interrupts the Action to Sing About the Plot and Play that Pan Flute We All Agree Would Make a Great Addition to the Movie
Logan Is So Good That It's Not a Comic Book Movie. It's a Movie for Every Dying Superhuman Mutant who Has to Take Care of Patrick Stewart in an Upended Water Tower in a Dystopian Future.
No Spoilers, But We Have Got To Talk About That Scene Where a Senile Professor X Tries to Play a Pan Flute, Gets Frustrated, Unleashes a Psionic Wave that Obliterates Nevada